Swittl0ve says.. ♥

..like a shoebox of photographs, with sepiatone loving..

A Season For Giving & … Receiving!

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Doesn’t walking along Orchard Road now brings u into the festive mood?
The beautiful decorations, the many differently decorated xmas trees and the white & blue lightings tt complements everything,
the huge crowds of pple each lugging different sizes of shopping bags and the never ending xmas carols playing off in all the shopping malls etc?

This is my favourite festive season of all! Not becos of the gifts and pressies i’ll receive but simply becos i just love the joyous and happy mood tt seems to lingers in the air.. The taste of happiness, peace and joy tt is.

Partying is always my first option during xmas eve. Getting wild out there and counting down to xmas with thousands over of pple tt i dont even know. However, as i gets older, it means more to me to just spend it with my love ones in peace, without all those big crowds out there. Seriously, cuddling on the couch with my love, watching some vcds, feeding each other with some xmas-y food( it will be even more perfect if theres some red wine to go along with!), engaging in conversations tt brings a lil smiles to both of our faces will be enough for me. I no longer have the interest and patience to be out there squeezing with the crowds, fighting for air to breathe and a place to stand. Cant stand being suffocated!

Of cos what’s xmas without any gifts or pressies?! My first and prolly the best pressie this year came from none other but from the boyfriend who generously (thou keep nagging) splurged on me after getting his bonus. But i wasn’t let off the hook either. I made a purchase for him tts gonna cause me to eat grass for the rest of the month (i dint receive any bonus fyi!)!

From the bf,
gucci tote and handphone strap! loves loves!

For the bf,
80gb ps 3 and a winning eleven 2008 game!

I’d also received some lil gifts like chocolates and candy canes from my dear colleagues as well. And my mentor got me a cute cuddly so tt i can hug it while at work cos i often whined tt i dont have one in the office. So sweet right!

I’m not really done with my xmas shopping yet. Baby’s one as mentioned above, settled. Alr bought some chocolates for some of my colleagues and baby’s mum. Got a gift for my lil cuz. There’s many pple i would want to buy something for as well but im really broke this month! Tts really frustrating!

Not forgetting something for myself.. teeheehee!

dior blush!

When i was shopping for my blush the other day, i saw a male beauty consultant. And as i went over to another counter wanting to get my moisturizer, i was served by another male beauty consultant. I was pretty surprised by how common it is to see guys selling makeups and skincare products nowadays. Neway tt guy was really sweet. As the item i intended to get was out of stock and will only arrives after xmas, he actually gave me a few free samples (actually it was meant to be free gifts when u make a purchase of a certain amount, not just those lil samples) to last me till the stock arrives. Im so thankful for tt!

Anyhoos, advanced seasons greetings to everyone of u!
Hope u guys have a great MERRY XMAS!


As i was signing off this entry,
i turned ard and saw u playing ur ps 3,
looking so unguarded and many times trying to peep at what im bloggin,
ur innocence, ur mischievious look and ur smug face..
irritably cute!

I often wondered y is it so tt im still here with u,
after all the things u’d done to me..
But now i knew,
the answer is actually very simple,
And tts becos I Love U.
yes, its this simple..
Trust me.

Written by swittl0ve

December 20, 2007 at 10:41 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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